The Wenham House
Men's Sober Living
Massachusetts, USA
Men’s Sober Living in Massachusetts
About The Wenham House
Our mission is to help men overcome their addictions, laying the foundation for full, happy, and productive lives free from drugs and alcohol through an intensive Twelve Step experience at our sober living home in Massachusetts.
We have made an important and intentional decision about the kind of recovery experience we wish to provide our guests. We rely solely on the Twelve Steps. We don’t dilute our sober living program by offering clinical or medical services that other addiction treatment centers use to access funding from insurance providers.
Families choose The Wenham House sober living in Massachusetts because of our reputation for excellence, our comfortable home-like environment, and our thoughtful Twelve Step-based program.
Those who complete our men’s sober living program return to the world as sober, autonomous and well-connected individuals with ties to the community and meaningful lives.
As a not-for-profit, The Whenam House Sober Living’s annual budget goes directly toward our sober living program in support of young men in recovery from addiction.
Our Founding
In 2007 we created 110 Inc, a non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to help men recover through the Twelve Steps in a residential environment. Since the founding of 110 Inc more than a decade ago, several hundred individuals and families have found recovery through our process.
The founders of The Wenham House sober living in Massachusetts believe that we can provide the very best Twelve Step experience by providing educational opportunities in a small, gender-specific group setting that enables recovery by eliminating distractions.
Although we are a retreat teaching the Twelve Steps, The Wenham House is not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.